Come Midnight Monday is an Australian television show from the early eighties. The show was based on David Burke's novel of the same name.

Although shown through a few times in the early eighties it had not been on television since, nor is there a DVD release yet with confusion over who owns the master copies.

24 February 2008

Main cast

Includes... (work in progress)

Stephen Comey as Tim ForsythStephen Comey as Tim Forsyth

Tim Blake as Squeak HoolihanTim Blake as Squeak Hoolihan

Sally Boyden as Beverley Sally Boyden as Beverley "Biff" Hoolihan

Jacqui Gordon as Jenny Jacqui Gordon as Jenny "Bugsy" Hoolihan

Julie Hamilton as Jess CarpenterJulie Hamilton as Jess Carpenter

Peter Cummins as Albert SpackPeter Cummins as Albert Spack

Graham Dow as Grandpa ForsythGraham Dow as Grandpa Forsyth

Terry Gill as Don ArblasterTerry Gill as Don Arblaster

Tommy Dysart as Angus McPheeTommy Dysart as Angus McPhee

Peter Hosking as Frank HarrisonPeter Hosking as Frank Harrison


Raven said...


I'd love to know if you hear about any dvd release - my husband loved this show and I emailed the production company in Oz to see if I could get a copy for a surprise wedding present but they couldn't help!


Anonymous said...

Check out
He might make some DVDs too (from VHS of course).